Website Category: Mountains
Area: 996 km2
Inscribed: 1994
Criteria: (vii) aesthetic; (x) biodiversity
Values: The Rwenzori Mountains are steep, rugged and very wet. They owe their origins to thrusting of the earth's crust associated with the creation of the Albertine Rift, which makes them geologically quite different to the other high East African mountains (which are of volcanic origin). The Park covers most of the centre and eastern half of the range (the other side forms part of the contiguous Virunga park in DR Congo). It includes Africa's third, fourth and fifth highest peaks in an alpine highland of glaciers, snowfields and lakes of astonishing beauty. It protects five distinct vegetation zones, many rare, endemic and endangered species, and the richest montane flora in Africa - a very unusual cloud forest of giant heathers, groundsels and lobelias, draped in cushions of luxuriant mosses.
Slideshow of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park
VISITOR INFORMATION AND HIKING DETAILS FOR 'THE CENTRAL CIRCUIT': For visitor information, including an outline of each day of a 7-day trek around the 'central circuit' of the highest peaks, download a copy of the Uganda Wildlife Authority's brochure by clicking here.
MAPS & SATELLITE IMAGES: A selection of maps and Google Earth satellite images showing the main features of the Rwenzori Mountain range is available by clicking here. This portfolio includes a selection of topographic maps, a map indicating road access routes and part of the out-of-print (1970) special edition 1:25,000 map of Central Rwenzori which shows detailed contour information, hiking and climbing routes up the glaciers. Satellite coverage is not as crisp as it could be, but provides some very useful perspectives on the mountain, seen from a variety of directions. Take a look!
Conservation News Updates
Fire destroys 30-40 sq km of forest in Kilembe area (Kasese News Blog, 13 February 2012)
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Links to other world heritage mountains: uKhalhamba-Drakensberg I Simien I Kilimanjaro I Mount Kenya I Mount Nimba
Links: Google Earth |UNEP-WCMC Site Description |Official UNESCO Site Details | Management Authority: UWA | Promotional NGO | WWF Project | Birdlife IBA