Website Category: Ancient Civilisations of the Lower Nile
Area: 2km2
Inscribed: 2003
Criteria: (i) a creative masterpiece (iii) cultural tradition (iv) icon of an era
(vi) association with belief system
Location and Values: Gebel Barkal and the Sites of the Napatan Region include five separate components (Gebel Barkal, Kurru, Nuri, Sanam and Zuma) spread over a distance of some 60 km on either side of the Nile near the town of Karima in north-central Sudan. A remarkable assemblage of pyramids is found in the Nubian desert here – 1,250 km south of the famous Egyptian pyramids of Giza – together with other tombs, temples, palaces and living complexes from the earliest period of the Kingdom of Kush, the Napatan era (900 - 270 BC). Later, the centre of power shifted south and Meroe became the new capital of the Kingdom of Kush from about 270 BC to 350 AD.
Slideshow of Gebel Barkal And The Sites Of The Napatan Region: This short slideshow features 8 photos of the Temple of Amun at Gebel Barkal and some of the pyramids in the nearby pyramid field, provided by Bridget Goldsmith and David Trump.
Slideshow of Gebel Barkal And The Sites Of The Napatan Region:
Google Earth View: To view satellite imagery of the mountain of Gebel Barkal with the Temple of Amun at its base on Google Earth, click here. This opens a new window, so when you are finished, just close the Google Earth page and you will be straight back here to continue browsing. It is worth taking a few minutes to explore the surroundings by panning around. You should be able to find the pyramid field at Gebel Barkal – in the desert sands to the west of the mountain – where about 20 pyramids can be seen; and, with a bit of luck and patience you might find the earlier (7th century BC) group of pyramids at Nuri a few kilometres upstream of Karima on the opposite bank.
Links to other places featuring the ancient civilisations of the lower Nile: Thebes I Memphis I Nubian Monuments I Meroe
Other Links: Official UNESCO Site Details I World Monuments Fund