The great pyramids at Giza, EgyptElephants crossing the Zambezi river in Mana Pools National Park world heritage site, ZimbabweThe great mosque in the Old Towns of Djenne world heritage site, MaliBlack and white ruffed lemur, Rainforests of the Atsinanana world heritage site, Madagascar

Bale Mountains National Park - Ethiopia

Map showing the location of Bale Mountains National Park (Ethiopia), a potential World Heritage SiteConsidered to have potential as a future World Heritage Site

Location and Area: The BaleMountains form the highest parts of the ‘eastern block’ of the Ethiopian highlands (see map).

Inscription Status:  BaleMountainsNational Park is included on Ethiopia’s Tentative List and a nomination is in preparation (2015). 

Important Values:  The BaleMountainsNational Park protects Ethiopia’s second highest peak and the largest expanse of Afroalpine vegetation in Africa. It covers an exceptional range of altitude, supporting a wide range of habitats and many rare and threatened species found only in the isolated highlands of Ethiopia.  These include iconic large mammals such as the mountain nyala, and the world’s rarest member of the dog family, the Ethiopian wolf.


Slideshow of Bale Mountains National Park

Comparison with other sites: 

Possible constraints to world heritage listing: 


Links:  Google Earth | UNEP-WCMC Site Description |Official UNESCO Site Details | WWF Project NewsBirdlife IBA     

Giant tree heathers on the flanks of the high Sanetti Plateau in Ethiopia's Bale Mountains National ParkGiant Lobelias are a characteristic species of the Afro-alpine habitat above 3500m in Bale Mountains National Park (Ethiopia)Bale Mountains National Park supports the largest single population of Ethiopian Wolves, the world's rarest member of the dog familyThe highly threatened Mountain Nyala is endemic to Ethiopia and its largest global population is in the Bale Mountains



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