Considered to have potential as a future World Heritage Site
Location and Area: A serial site comprising 7 widely separated reserves has been identified by the Madagascar authorities, and this is likely to capture the full range of values of the dry forests. (see map)
Inscription Status: Included on Madagascar’s Tentative List (2015)
Important Values: The dry forests of western Madagascar are among the world’s most exceptional forests and support hundreds of threatened plant and animal species found nowhere else in the world. Several of Madagascar’s characteristic lemur species occur in these forests, together with seven unique species of baobab trees.
Slideshow of Dry Forests of The Andrefana
Comparison with other sites:
Possible constraints to world heritage listing: World heritage status could help support conservation efforts in these globally important areas but the economic development challenges facing Madagascar are immense and poor rural communities depend on some of these areas as a source of timber, fuelwood, charcoal and other natural resources.
Links: Google Earth | UNEP-WCMC Site Description |Official UNESCO Site Details | WWF Project News | Birdlife IBA