Area: 11,492 km2
Inscribed: 1983
Criteria: (ix) ecological processes; (x) biodiversity
Values: The largest national park in West Africa, this savanna-woodland park supports an enormous diversity of animals and plants in a large variety of habitats. Species lists include 1,200 plants, 155 mammals, 71 reptiles and 504 species of birds - almost as many as the entire United States (which has 650 bird species). The recent unrest in Côte d'Ivoire has had a very adverse effect on the site, with extensive poaching of wildlife and fires caused by poachers, over-grazing by large herds of cattle and the absence of effective management over two thirds of the Park.
Other International Designations: MAB Biosphere Reserve
Slideshow of Comoé National Park
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Links: Google Earth | UNEP-WCMC Site Description | UNESCO Offical Website | Birdlife IBA